Shit on the liver, we all know it. You are grumpy and the world is going to pay for it. The consequences resonate throughout our society. Our politicians must fight even though we pay them to run the place. Sportsmen treat women as objects. The media mercilessly pillories anyone for just about anything, Corporations rape and pillage. Im sure you know about road rage, institutionalised torture and an endless host of other injustices.
One of the effects of a plant based (ie no animal food) diet is more stable blood sugar levels and consequently more stable moods. The Buddha in the Lankavatara Sutra states “The meat eater is ill-smelling, contemptuous and born deprived of intelligence. He belongs to the lowest class of men. Since the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and sravakas have all condemned meat eating, one who still eats meat without shame will always be devoid of sense.” Strong words. Lets pick some of them apart.
“Ill Smelling” give up meat and animal products for a month and notice the difference in your body odour and secretions.
“Contemptuous” the attitude I mentioned above. It is the complete disregard for the feelings and opinions of others. While giving up meat will aid in stabilizing blood sugar levels and moods contempt is something much stronger and leads me to think there is a deeper identity issue at work. Perhaps this is what the Buddha meant by “born deprived of intelligence” as intelligence can be defined as the ability to meaningfully adopt another's attitude. Of course the primary attitude we are have is self cherishing.
A video for you to consider,
There is a web of identity that holds the charade of contempt together. It is closely tied in to what we eat and the lack of awareness we bring to situations. The next great moral leap for humanity will be the understanding that we are all passengers on the same spaceship. That the smallest bug and most annoying politician are our fellow travellers. That we depend on each other in ways we cannot yet comprehend.
from John Dunne;
No man is an island,Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manner of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
I wish I could go vego, and have even tried once - unfortunately, the enzyme-transference period is too long for my metabolism to tolerate, and as a result I can't strip enough efficient energy from a non-meat diet to survive for very long at all.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I try to minimise my meat consumption to the tolerable levels, but the fact remains that we as a species are designed to eat meat - if we weren't, we'd be unable to process it. Some people aren't able to be vegetarian for metabolic and medical reasons - in particular the young.
That's bullshit. Even the American Dietetic Association recommends a vegetarian/vegan diet. see Humans do better on a vegan diet.